Will SoundProofing Products Help With Noisy Floors?

A lot of clients come to us saying they’ve tried everything to stop their noisy floors, including soundproofing products like special carpet underlays and acoustic matting – but does that really work?

Well, firstly we need to briefly look at the different types of noise in the context of this article. The two types of noise we’ll be specifically looking at are ‘airborne’ noise and ‘mechanical’ noise.

Airbourne Noise

Airbourne noise in the real world essentially means noise that travels from one point to another. The noise travels through the air. In context, this would mean a telephone conversation, T.V or music being heard between two rooms on different floors i.e. ground floor to an above bedroom.

Mechanical Noise

Mechanical noise in the real world means two objects/materials rubbing or knocking together. Often, this type of noise travels through a structure almost like an instrument. Think a hammer hitting a surface or a hand going into a crisp packet. Of course mechanical noise would go airbourne for one to be able to hear it, but in the context of this article it’s important to differentiate these two types of noises. When referring to noise being emitted from a failed floor, we say mechanical noise like clicks, growls, squeaks and so on.

What type of noise is Soundproofing designed to help with?

Simply put, soundproofing is typically designed to prevent or lower the passage of ‘airbourne’ noise. There are products that help with some mechanical noise like foot impact but such products will certainly not remove or prevent clicks, growl, squeaks and so on entirely. For that, a different philosophy is required.

The Philosophy of Eradicating Mechanical Noise

The philosophy of dealing with airbourne noise is typically to ‘add mass’. Layers of dense material. There are other options like noise absorbing and noise deflecting products, but overwhelmingly, ‘adding mass’ is the main method.

The philosophy of dealing with mechanical noise is typically to ‘fuse and/or separate’. What does that mean? Well, if two materials are in contact or temporarily coming into contact (Impact) with each other but moving at different rates, they’re going to create noise to one degree of another due to friction. Now to stop that from happening, the two materials need to be fused together so they no longer move independently or be separated so they no longer come into contact with each other, thus, the contact/mechanical noise will stop.

Can Soundproofing products stop mechanical noise?

Absolutely not. They can certainly mask it to some degree, however, to most of our clients, the degree to which soundproofing has masked the mechanical noise being emitted from their floors greatly lacks and comes nowhere close to being worth it financially.

At SqueakFix, we believe soundproofing products are a complete waste of time and money when trying to get rid of mechanical noise. Soundproofing products are great with reducing airbourne noise when applied and specified in the correct way, but clicks, squeaks, growls and so on require a completely different way of thinking to eradicate.

Trust in the people that really know what they’re doing, us! SqueakFix!

If you’ve already learnt your lesson and been down the rabbit hole of soundproofing or haven’t yet and don’t wish to, fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch with a price to provide you with permanent silence!

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