Is Noisy Chipboard Normal?

I’ve recently had a lengthy conversation with a potential client of ours regarding their six month old property. The floors are horrendous, and that’s putting it mildly! As the property is so new, clearly a guarantee is given with the build, backed by the NHBC. This particular guarantee covers two instances of structural failure. Of which my client was under the impression his floors would be covered. 

Apparently there is some disagreement with that fact. I’ve been told of comments given to some of our passed clients from the NHBC explaining away the issue of noisy chipboard as simply “aesthetics” or “character”!

The client in question had a visit from the builders themselves. The explanation or excuse (If you can call it that) was that the issue is “normal”! Well, from a certain point of view, I suppose, yes it is normal. Citing the dictionary, normal – “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected“.

With that, I think the title of this article should have been ‘Is Noisy Chipboard Acceptable?’. I would like to clarify at this point the term ‘noisy chipboard’. That’s obviously a very subjective statement. When I say ‘noisy chipboard’, I’m really talking about chronic noise. The kind of noise that is clearly and unarguably a disruption to day to day life. In answer to the question, is noisy chipboard acceptable (In context)? No, it certainly isn’t. Especially in a brand new property.

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